As a Psychologist, Dr. Correa has been trained as a consultant. Additionally, since she was trained in a theory called systems theory at University of Connecticut for her master’s degree, she is uniquely able to look at the inner workings of a business, school, and/or organization and see how each part is intertwined with each other. Sometimes, what used to work in a system at one time in development does not work now. She will conceptualize what is working and what should remain and what needs to change for the system to thrive and be functional. Additionally, if there is an interpersonal conflict between members, she can facilitate healing and resolution. Dr. Correa is a hopeful, optimistic, and energetic person who when faced with a challenge will quickly look towards solutions and give direct honest feedback towards health and effectiveness. She has worked in schools, medical facilities, mental health agencies, legal, businesses, academic settings and community systems.
Please contact Dr. Correa to set up a meeting to determine a price package depending on the needs of your organization.