I believe we all go through moments when it helps to have a person support you and challenge your non productive behaviors in a caring manner. For over 25 years, I have always said, I am lucky that I cry and laugh every hour with people for my job. I am privileged to work with individuals, couples and families during a developmentally challenging time in their life and give them hope during times of frustration, fear, grief and despair. I believe we all have the ability to rewrite our course in life and take hold of our future.
Dr. Valerie Correa LLC provides phone and telehealth therapy to returning clients, supervision for therapists and supervision of supervisors.
Online therapy tune ups for returning therapy clients of Dr. Correa
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Online therapy tune ups for returning therapy clients of Dr. Correa
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Sunrise Daisy
Go to Sunrise Daisy's
link to get information in the meantime, you can watch vlogs of survivorship in the blog section of the website. Watch vlogs of survivorship in the blog section.
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"What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you." -Ralph Waldo Emerson